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5 Hebrew Expressions You Want to Know







.אל תסתכל בקנקן אלא במה שיש בו

Al tistakel ba'kankan, ela be'ma she'yesh bo.

Literal translation: Don’t look into the pitcher; rather look at what’s inside it.

Figurative meaning: Don’t judge a book by it’s cover.




.לאכול סרט

Le’echol seret.

Literal translation: To eat a movie.

Figurative meaning: To make a big deal out of little things. To look for drama.


?דוגמה: למה אתה אוכל סרט 

Dugma: Lama ata ochel seret?

Example: Why are you making a big deal out of it? 




? מה, אני עז

Ma, ani ez?

Literal translation: What am I, a goat?

Figurative meaning: Why am I ignored? I'm not to be ignored!




!טעים רצח

Taim retzah!

Literal translation: Tasty murder!

Figurative meaning: So yummy!




!אם אין לחם- תאכלו עוגות

Im eiyn lechem , tochlu ugot.

Literal translation: If there is no bread, eat some cakes!

Figurative meaning: If there is no bread, let them eat cake!








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